Volunteer FAQs
Volunteer Program presented by Frost Bank
Q. Is there an age requirement to volunteer?
A. Must be 16 years of age and also requires a valid school ID.
Q. What happens after I register to volunteer?
A. You will be contacted via email by your committee chair to welcome you. At any time you can sign back into the system and email your committee chair or the Valero Texas Open staff with questions.
Q. When do I get my uniform and pick up my volunteer goodies?
A. As soon as uniform distribution is determined it will be posted on our website and emails will be sent as reminders. Click on the Uniform/Credential Distribution button to the right of the screen.
Q. In addition to the VTO shirt and hat I am provided, what else do I need to wear to complete my uniform?
A. Khaki or black pants, walking shorts, or capris, comfortable shoes and your volunteer badge.
Q. What should I do if the shirt I ordered doesn’t fit?
A. Please check the website for the sizing charts as the ability to change your uniform size is very limited.
Q. When do I get to play my round of golf at TPC San Antonio?
A. Please check the website for all of the details on claiming your round of golf.
Q. Can I have an alcoholic beverage before or after my shift(s)?
A. You are able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage after you have completed your shift for the day and after you have changed your volunteer shirt. You are unable to consume alcohol in your volunteer shirt at any time.
Q. Can I grab autographs from PGA TOUR players while I am volunteering?
A. Autographs can only be obtained at the Autograph Zone, but not while wearing your volunteer shirt. On-Course photos or autographs are not permitted. Please do not take photographs of any PGA TOUR player while on your shift or in your volunteer shirt.
Q. What should I do if there is a scheduling conflict and I cannot volunteer for my shift(s)?
A. If you have a change in your schedule you must sign back into the system and inform your committee chair so they can rearrange your schedule.
Become a Volunteer
The Valero Texas Open wouldn’t be possible without the more than 2,000 volunteers that help put on the tournament. Because of their efforts, the Valero Texas Open is able to raise significant amounts of money for charity... a record-breaking $24M in 2024. Please help us give back to the community by becoming a volunteer.